eid ul adha 2024 qurbani goats

How To Raise Goats For Beginners


Breeding and raising goats for meat can be a profitable livestock venture that requires simple facilities and reasonable management. If you want to be successful in goat meat production you must learn how to raise meat goats. Goat meat is in demand in some populations because of flavor preference and the influence of religion. Among the largest consumers are the Muslim and African groups.


They grow well and stay healthy if they have good shelter.

Use a high tensile or woven wire when building a fence. The fence must be high enough to prevent them from jumping over it. The fence must be built well to prevent the possible entrance of animals that can harm goats. When learning how to raise meat goats, you might encounter breeds that are better for other purposes like goat farming. Some of them are appropriate for milk production and some are better sources of wool fibre rather than producing goat meat. If you have a variety to take care of, you must have enough materials for fencing to build different pens in your goat farm. Multiple pens in the shelter are also necessary to protect your goats from varying whether conditions.


In learning how to raise meat goats, you must provide feeders in the shelter.

If feed bunks are placed outside the shed, keep them covered to prevent rain water from getting into the feed. Waste can be minimized by using racks when feeding the hay. Gather necessary information on how to raise meat goats. Pick goats that are often used for meat production. Goats that are known for producing goat meat are Boer goats. You should purchase a few female goats or does to be used for breeding. You should have the doe’s health checked by a veterinarian. Ask your veterinarian if the does’ condition is fit for breeding. Breeding may be done using artificial insemination. A male goat or buck is needed for breeding. Several pens in the farm are necessary to easily segregate female goats from male goats.


You will learn about the proper breeding months as you study and learn how to raise meat goats.

The breeding months for goats are between August and March. During the non-breeding months bucks or male goats must be isolated from does or female ones. It will take 150 days before the does start having kids. When expecting does undergo pregnancy, you have to check on them more often. The naval cords of kids must be dipped in an iodine solution to protect them from illness right after a female goat has given birth. Another separate pen is needed for the purpose of weaning. Weaned kids are ready to be placed in their own pen.


The best part of knowing how to raise goats for meat is the marketing part. They can be sold through a local livestock auction. You could talk to other goat breeders to sell your goats easier and cheaper by having them sold directly from your farm.

Goat Farming Business Plan


It is important to have goat farming business plans if one decides to invest in this market. The investment needed in goat farming is much smaller as compared to other larger farm animals such as sheep and cattle, though the profits that could be acquired from it are actually good. Starting up a goat farm is not a walk in the park; however it is actually achievable, especially for anyone smart enough to plan ahead and knows what they are doing to run things smoothly. For those interested in venturing in this business, the following is a step by step strategy for a goat farming business plans:


1. Before you even think about investing in goats, goats are multi-purpose farm animals, so you should know first and determine what goat by-product you are interested in selling. A goat is a great source of several by-products, such as:

A. Meat: while not as popular as the likes of beef, chicken, or pork, chevon is actually in demand on certain target markets and it would good to invest in them.

B. Dairy Products: such as milk and cheese. Usually, the more unique something is, the more expensive it could be sold thanks to consumer demand.

C. Fibre: goat skin is actually a great source of some fabrics such as cashmere. Aside from fabric, its hide is also used to make leather.

D. Goats themselves: why kill them when you could sell them alive and well? Breeding goats is an industry itself. Goats are quite to reproduce and a single kid would fetch quite a price in the market, depending on its condition and breed.


2. After deciding what type of product to sell from goats, it is time to proceed to the next step for your goat farming business plans.

Selecting the breed of goats to take care of, since not all goat breeds are the same. For example, if you are after the meat, go for a Boer goat, since they are specifically bred for that purpose and not very good when it comes to milk. If you are after the wool, then go for Cashmere goats. But if you are after crossbreeding to make more genetically superior goats, then go for Kiko goats. And the list goes on. Make sure to choose carefully, as this is an important factor for the success of your goat business.


3. Up next is a crucial step for your goat farming business plans.

Consider your current budget or how much would you be able to invest before starting. Initial capital aside, raising goats requires having a spacious field for them, as well as a goat shed and goat fence. Also, if you would be able to afford continuous usage of goat feeds, or alternatively go for the natural way of feeding them especially if your field happens to be abundant in vegetation that happens to be nutritious and edible for goats. Just be careful and don’t forget to get rid of the toxic ones.

Finally, in order for goat farming business plans to be successful, pay attention on keeping goats healthy, since they are the actual source of your income after all.

5 Tips On How To Care For Goats

 It is important to know how to care for goats if you own a goat farm or just planning to start raising goats. A goat is a great source of income, and is able to provide a range of products ranging from dairy products such as milk, meat, and its skin could also be used as a base material for leather products, or even the goat themselves or their off springs could be sold. Goats could also function as some sort of farm equipment as they are quite effective in removing weeds. It is really necessary to know well the animals that you are taking care of or intend to raise. Learn how to care for goats properly with the following advice:


1. Provide a companion, much better if a mate, for your goat if possible.

Goats are social animals, and therefore require the presence and companionship of the same animal. If you are concerned of its offspring and taking care of something more than you could handle, you could always sell it. Depending on the breed a goat could net some good money.


2. Provide your goats with a spacious and clean shelter.

Make sure it is spacious enough for them to wander around and play. If they are going to be placed inside a shelter then the shelter must be well ventilated. Most goats could easily adapt into the climate or its environment, however the shelter must be able to shield them from the harsh elements such as rain. The shelter must also be able to provide protection against other animals that could cause harm into your goats such as dogs and wild animals. It must also be cleaned regularly to avoid insect and rat infestations. Also provide dry hay stacks to serve as their bedding. If you intend to let the goats wander in your fields, then make sure that your fields are free from specific plants and weeds that are toxic or could cause indigestion and illnesses to goats.


3. Provide your goats with clean, healthy food and drinking water.

Watch what you feed your goats, if you are going to feed them more natural and organic foods then be aware of what plants might be toxic for them or those that are beneficial for them such as barley, bran, and oats. If you want to know how to care for goats properly you should know how goats are quite sensitive when their diet suddenly changes. If you are using feeds then feed them the appropriate feeds such as for those who are lactating or whatever specific aim you have for your goat.


4. Keep your goats well-groomed.

Regular baths and the occasional hair and trimming of hooves helps, if you are unsure how to do so then consult your vet first.


5. Have your goats be checked regularly by a veterinarian, they really know how to care for goats when it comes to ailments.

Having your goats checked regularly by a vet could protect them from illnesses and infections since prevention is better than cure.

Always remember that a healthy goat would net you with good profits, but for anyone not after the profits but for the love and companionship of these creatures, you’ll want them to lead a healthy, happy, and long life, so learn how to care for goats properly.

Goat Housing Tips


If you are into the business of goat farming, it is definite that before you started out with your venture in raising goats, you made plans on where you will place the herd. So what makes a good goat housing then?


Good goat housing should be able to accomplish one important thing: the herd’s protection! Ideal shelters for animals should be able to protect them from extreme temperatures, rain, and can give them a safe place to rest at night.

One good thing about goats is that these animals are adaptable to rough terrain and weather conditions. But then again, goats should still be provided with protection from these elements in order for their stress experience will be minimized, enabling them to be more productive and ensure that they grow healthier.


Good goat shelter plans should also include keeping the moisture out, lest you risk the herd to contract respiratory diseases. Your best choice would be to use wood because this material does not accumulate water.

Ideal goat housing is an open building – it can keep the moisture out during winter months and can also ensure maximum airflow during the summer months. It would also do the animals good if there are trees in the perimeter since trees are also good insulators and they can keep the herd cool during summer.

Having an open building also ensures ample air circulation which can prevent ammonia build up from animal urine and feces. It is also important that beddings are provided for the animals to act as floor insulators. You can use materials such as sawdust, wood shavings, and wood boards as beddings. There are actually different types of bedding materials that also have different capabilities in absorbing urine. Bedding materials are not expensive and are readily available.


You might also want to consider what other countries do, using slanted board walls and floorsfor easier cleaning and good airflow. It would also be a good idea if you provide the animals with stilted housing to protect the goats from soil parasites.

As for the roofing materials, you can also choose from a lot of materials – from hay to metal, whatever you deem it necessary. But it is good to point out, though, that hay and straw roofing are excellent insulation that are great during cold months and hot months. If you will use metal, make sure you paint it white so that sunlight would be reflected thus preventing heating the goat housing.

If you are just starting to build your goat farm and still unsure of how to go about with goat farming and housing, you can also consult some established goat farmers, you will definitely learn a lot from them.

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